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Newham Bookshop by Pete Fallan
Newham Bookshop, Pete Fallan, March 2021.

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Time Travellers by Sufiya Ahmed
Time Travellers is published by Little Tiger in paperback at £7.99.

Sufiya Ahmed

Time Travellers

Adventure Calling

Illustrated by Alessia Trunfio

When adventure calls – the Time Travellers answer

Suhana, Mia and Ayaan are thrown together on a trip to Parliament, where they are fascinated by all the history that happened there. Little do they suspect that they’ll be living that history when they are transported back to 1911! Finding themselves in the middle of a women’s suffrage demonstration, they are amazed to see people from all over the world taking part. Suhana wants to explore but Mia and Ayaan are anxious to get back.

Then they lose each other… Will they be able to return to the present without changing the course of history forever? Join our time travellers as they visit amazing places across the world and throughout history, meeting historical legends and learning more about themselves.